Authorization through social networks. Facebook and Google.
Social media is now a solid part of our lives. We use them when we want to share an opinion, check current promotions or make purchases. That makes it easier than ever to use it as a method of verification.
Thanks to NACIEW now each company will be able to use the existing users' credentials from social media sites to log in to the network.
This method of gaining access to the network is user-friendly because it does not require filling out long forms with personal data. Most of us are already logged into our accounts, so it is as simple as pressing one button to get into the network.
Technically, NACVIEW system authorization is carried out using the OAuth standard. It is an open authorization standard that provides secure access to shared resources.
The functionality will be available since the 2.2.0 NACVIEW system version.
Instruction for configuring Facebook authorization is located on our website: www.nacview.com (Download > Manuals).