In this section are described all new features that appeared in the latest version of NACVIEW system.
News and improvements:
- On the Dashboard a subnet load preview was added in the DHCP server section.
- New System status icon on the Dashboard (problems with license overruns, incorrect SMTP configuration, problem with disk occupancy in nodes, no connection with AD) has been added.
- The Syslog server wizard has been added for redirection to external systems.
- Added functionality of cyclic backup.
- Build-in Captive Portal has been added.
- SMS gateway support for the need to register accounts in the Captive Portal has been added.
- E-mail support for the need to register accounts in the Captive Portal has been added.
- Instant password for account registration in the Captive Portal has been added.
- In the summary report information about: the status of the switch ports usage thresholds, the status of printers and the usage of individual authorization rules has been added.
- A phone number for the Identity has been added.
- The Identities, Endpoints and Network Devices preview has been unified.
- New version of Network device preview window with unified graphic view of logs and events from switches.
- A function consisting in searching for selected objects (IP address, MAC address, VLAN, Identity, group) on individual ports of network devices has been added.
- The ability to download the current or archive switch configuration has been added.
- Support for new switch models has been added (Juniper EX 4200 Series).
- The functionality of pagination has been added to the graphical Preview of Network devices (up to 20 devices are displayed on one screen).
- Changed the view of Network devices models to generic models with possibility to choose any number of ports.
- New version of Network device port preview window with unified graphic view of logs and events has been added.
- The function of setting and reporting the usage of the switch port thresholds has been added.
- In the configuration of Network devices, configuration of VLANs supported by the switch is no longer required.
- In the graphical Map of Network devices and in Connectivity Map, the function of automatic detection of connections between Network devices has been added (based on protocols like cdp, lldp, etc.)
- The ability to differentiate what Identities will have access to different network resources after connecting via a VPN tunnel has been added.
- The creation of a VPN server configuration package has been simplified by automatically adding the required files and libraries.
- Changed the Network IPv4 preview from graphical to tabular. (Graphical preview is still available.)
- The function of automatic registration of Endpoints in the system has been added.
- The blacklist option has been added to the DHCP server. Allowing you to determine MAC addresses, that will be omitted during the DHCP transaction.
- The ability to configure and monitor the usage of DHCP pool has been added.
- In the Access policies the overall authorization methods were splited into specific methods.
- In the Access policies a new condition has been added for the ports of Network device, group of ports and ports that belong to Organizational unit.
- In the Access policies a new condition concerning version of the OS system installed on the Endpoint has been added.
- In the Access policies a new condition for MAC authorization based on additional SNMP checking has been added.
- A new module for Event definition has been added. This module is used for NACVIEW integration with third party systems like SIEMs, firewalls, antiviruses, etc.
- Identities and Endpoints that are subject to reauthentication in a new version of NACVIEW can be added to quarantine or blocked.
- Additional information about connected Endpoint (containing hostname, vendor identifier, gateway address and IP address) has been added to Authorization Report.
- The configuration of Access policies has been changed (all parameters are available from a single window).
- In the Access Policy rules, the parameter returned has changed from the subnetwork to VLAN number.
- Additional information about which Policy rule has granted access to the network has been added to DHCP report.
- TACACS+ module has been added.
- The option to generate the password of the day has been added.
- Functionality of system installation in a distributed environment on many virtual machines or on physical servers.
- The functionality of automatic search of network and terminal devices in selected sub-networks, using the SNMP protocol.
- A quick suspection function has been added to the system which allows you to check active network devices on the network.
- In the section on Network devices, a new functionality has been added that allows you to quickly check the communication with the switches using various communication protocols (ping, SNMP, CLI, HTTP, RADIUS, SYSLOG).
- The functionality of the CA server certificate renewal wizard in the Master node and other system nodes has been added.
- The support of SNMPv3 version for network devices has been added.
- The agent for Windows and MacOS devices with the functionality of providing information about system version, MAC address, IP address, information if the system is up to dateĀ is available.
- The functionality of fast adding of newly discovered MAC address to the NACVIEW system.
- In the installation wizard polish names for certificates has been added.
- In the installation wizard alternative names for certificates has been added.
- In the graphical view of IP addresses, the function of previewing the currently used addresses of the build-in DHCP server has been added.
- The functionality of adding distributed nodes.
- Added functionality of Radius Accounting to obtain the session_id parameter for session disconnection.
- Functionality of graphical visibility of Endpoints and MAC addresses connected to Network devices has been added.